
Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Popsicle Stick Boat

This is a very unique project that I did for school. For our Social Studies final project, we had to look up explorers and do a project on them. So I looked up John Cabot and focused on his use of transportation. When I looked on the computer, I found out how his boat looked.

I tried to replicate it a well as I could. I didn't do the sails . But I did the Crow's Nest and the two decks. With just popsicle sticks and some hot glue, I think I did a pretty good job!

The actual process of making it was pretty simple. All I had to do was layer the edges one on top of the other for the outer frame. For the deck, I glued the thin edges of the sticks together. The Crow's Nest was the hardest to do. It took a lot of breaking the popsicle sticks in half and tons of glue. But it was so much fun!!!!!


  1. Thank you for posting this. I had no idea how to build a ship for my children's project. We ran out of popsicle sticks because we were building two ships, and only bought 120 sticks. However, we improvised the top and it works for the thanksgiving project. Thanks again :)

  2. AnonymousMay 23, 2014

    can you show a video


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