This is a very unique project that I did for school. For our Social Studies final project, we had to look up explorers and do a project on them. So I looked up John Cabot and focused on his use of transportation. When I looked on the computer, I found out how his boat looked.
I tried to replicate it a well as I could. I didn't do the sails . But I did the Crow's Nest and the two decks. With just popsicle sticks and some hot glue, I think I did a pretty good job!
The actual process of making it was pretty simple. All I had to do was layer the edges one on top of the other for the outer frame. For the deck, I glued the thin edges of the sticks together. The Crow's Nest was the hardest to do. It took a lot of breaking the popsicle sticks in half and tons of glue. But it was so much fun!!!!!