Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Really Random Poem

        I'm kind of bored so I am going to write poem!

There once was a birdy who lived in a nest

Living with him, there was a small pest

The birdy got really angry at him

So he tried to throw him into the trash bin

The birdy was  not at all very wise

He did not realize that the pest flies

The birdy tried to swat him down

But then the pest took his crown

All of a sudden the birdy got scared

He thought that he actually might be impaired

Maybe it's 'cause of his mean older brother

But he realized that this pest was his mother

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An Absolutely Beautiful Fall Day

This picture was taken when me, my mom, and my dad went out to admire the fall colours. We were going down the street when we saw this beautiful tree. So, we stopped to take a picture. But instead of taking the tree, I took the sun. It looks so pretty! I showed my dad the picture. "How did you get that picture so well?" he asked me. "Um... natural instincts?" I said. Then I laughed. Then we moved on and went to the park down our street. And when we got there, it was so beautiful!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Greetings From London!

        Ya, so it's me again. This time I will show you guys another project that I did at school in my 5th grade year. But first, know this: I went to India and London over summer, 2011. That's all you need to know for now. :)

Our assignment was to make a postcard from were we have gone or done over the summer. So I did my postcard from London. Above is the picture side and below is the writing side.

Now, if you want to know what the post card says, read this next paragraph. If you don't, skip it and go down to the paragraph after it.

        This is what my postcard says:

   Dear Mrs. (Name Classified),

London was so amazing! The weather was just like Vancouver! Cloudy and wet. But we didn't mind. We saw so many different things like The London Eye, Big Ben, The Tower of London, and The London Bridge! We even went on a London tour bus. I saw so many different buildings. Oh the structures were magnificent! Can't wait to come back and share the pictures with you!

                     Your Student,

       Now, this is what the picture and writing look like together:

                Aren't they just Beautiful?!

            Well that is my postcard. Enjoy!

Canada's Rivers at Risk

       Ugh! More homework? Come on! Well, I guess I can tell you about it. So guess what? More social studies!!! OK. So, in socials, we were learning about mapping. You know, how to make and read maps. We got this map of Canada and there were instructions on what to do on the map. There was some easy stuff like colour this province this colour and that province that colour. But there were a little more harder stuff like locate this river and were is this lake found and stuff like that. Also, we had to complete our map with any kind of title, frame, and compass. Oh ya! We also had to out line all pieces of land in light blue because it shows that the piece of land is surrounded by ocean water. Man! This was going to be alot of work.

        So, after I coloured it and all and outlined it and located the rivers and lakes, then came the frame, compass, and title. I named this "Canada's Rivers at Risk" because on the instructions page, that was the title. So, I thought that it made the most sense. My frame was "SAVE THE RIVERS!" and then a picture of a river each time I wrote that. And I made my compass show N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW. It's also green and red.

        The result of all this hard work is an amazing thing, really. I hope you like it!!!


My Social Studies Title Page!!!!!

         Now, first things first. This amazing piece of art started when my 5th grade teacher started teaching us about our first unit in social studies. So, you know, we read about blah blah this, blah blah that. Then finally, she said, "Boys and girls, for homework tonight we will do our social studies title page to start our unit in social studies. Please have it completed and on my desk first thing tommorow morning!" Some people were groaning and saying, "Do we have to?" But, as you know, I love art, so I was pretty excited.

          So, after school ended that day and me and my mom got home, first thing I did after off course eating a snack was take out all my supplies to do my homework. I got out all my pencils and erasers. Markers and pencil crayons. And last but not least, my thin, black, sharpie. Then I got to work! I started sketching here and there. Erasing every once in a while. Then, when I knew everything was perfect, I started to colour. And my teacher didn't just let us shade in everything all light. Oh no. She made us colour so hard that by the time we were done, we couldn't move our hands! But it was definetly worth it. My teacher also made us outline everything in a thin, black, sharpie. But I really didn't mind all that much because the results were outstanding!
(As you can see in the picture above.) Then, after colouring the background, I was finally finished!

           So, as you can see, all this hard work really paid off. I hope you enjoy my fabulous social studies title page!!!!!!!!!!


The California Dream House

It was a wonderful, sunny day in Palm Springs, California. Today was moving day for the Blue family. Mrs. Katrina Blue and Mr. Chris Blue were carrying their beautiful orange, feathered mattress into the trunk of their Volkswagen Punch Buggy whole their children, Carter and Cary were taking their toys and dog into the car. And little Jonathan didn't want to go. That's why he's saying "Bye!"

After they finished packing, they were off to their new home. No. 87, Willow Brook Ave. It's a good thing they managed to get Jonathan into the car, because was so exited to see his new home. So they zoomed off to see the wonderful new house they bought."I'm soooooo exited!" Jonathan squealed.

"Are we there yet?" Carter and Cary kept asking their mother. "Almost," she kept saying. Then, finally, they reached their new home. "It's so big!" exclaimed Mr. Blue. Then he started pointing at it and making funny faces. All the children started laughing so hard. Especially little Jonathan because he peed right in his pants!

The family finally stepped out of their car onto that gray, slick, California concreat. Carter and his dog, Scruffy, sprinted to the door. But when they got there, it wouldn't open. "It's locked!" yelled Carter. "I got the giant key," Cary spoke back. She was right. It was one really big key! After they opened the door, Mr. and Mrs. Blue loaded the mattress into their home. And that was the start to their California Dream House!

Friday, November 18, 2011

One Sunny, Great Day for Hiking

The birds were singing on the top of Sunshine hill. It was one sunny, great day. One sunny, great day for hiking! Ellie and Jeremiah were pondering about where to set up a campsite for the day after their exhausting hike up the rocky, steep hill. Finally, Ellie found the perfect spot. It was grassy and green, and shaded by a big tree. "Let's set up here!" said Ellie, trying to catch here breath.

And so it was decided. The two friends helped each other put down their things with a "thump!" and a "plop!" "Can you get out the tent, Jeremiah?" asked Ellie. " Sure! I'd be happy to!" Jeremiah answered back. Then he grabbed the tent out of the blue backpack he had. This tent was no ordinary tent, though. Because it was water proof, fire resistant, and the material was un-breakable!

By the time Ellie was done putting down her things, Jeremiah was almost done the tent! Then, with one last pull from both of them, the tent was up! "I can't wait to sleep in this thing tonight!" Ellie squealed. "Ya..." said Jeremiah. Then they adjusted the tent. And to make sure no bears came in, they zipped it shut!

The tent was set up, it was dusk, and the two still hadn't eaten anything yet! "I'm starving!" said Jeremiah. "Me too," said Ellie. So they took out their grill, grilled up some grubs, and had one fabulous dinner. The hills were glowing from the now orange sun. Then it set into the distance, and the stars woke up and started to shine...